Annual Budget

Budget Ordinance

The budget is the "blueprint" used to provide a sound financial framework for all town operations. It ensures that the town's limited resources are allocated toward the services and strategic priorities identified by the Town Council. More specifically, the budget is a financial plan consisting of an estimate of proposed expenditures, the proposed means of financing and the goals and objectives of the expenditures for a given time period, usually one year.

Each year the Town Council approves the Town of Marshville's budget and sets the property tax rate based on the assessed value of property inside the town limits. The Town Council develops the budget during the spring prior to the new fiscal year, which runs from July 1 - June 30. The proposed budget is available in Town Hall for inspection prior to a Public Hearing at the Town Council meetings in June. 

Copies of the proposed budget are on file and available for review at the Town Clerk's office at Town Hall, 118 East Union Street.